Lançamentos Lançamentos LPs
Terça, 07.05.2024
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R$ 99,90
Entrega: 20 dias - Americano.
Led Zeppelin
Song Remains the Same (Blu-Ray)

Lançamento: 26/08/2008
Contém show gravado durante três noites consecutivas no Madison Square Garden em Nova York, no ano de 1973. A gravação virou filme e estreou nos cinemas em 1976. Inclui extras com performances bônus, entrevistas, etc. Edição remasterizada.

Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same - The Film
Bron-Yr-Aur [1:06]
Rock and Roll [4:14]
Black Dog [3:52]
Since I´ve Been Loving You [8:48]
No Quarter [10:38]
The Song Remains the Same [5:44]
The Rain Song [8:20]
Dazed and Confused [29:08]
Stairway to Heaven [11:19]
Moby Dick [11:28]
Heartbreaker [3:50]
Whole Lotta Love [13:02]

Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same - Extras
Tampa News Report
Over the Hills and Far Away
Boating Down the Thames
Celebration Day (Cutting Copy)
The Robbery
Misty Mountain Hop
Original Film Trailer
The Ocean

Coda (remaster - 2015)
Led Zeppelin

In Through The Out Door (lp) (capa paper bag)
Led Zeppelin

Inside Led Zeppelin (deluxe) (2dvd)
Led Zeppelin

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