Lançamentos Lançamentos LPs
Sábado, 04.05.2024
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R$ 69,90
Entrega: 20 dias - Americano.
24 Nights

Lançamento: 09/03/1999
Performances de diversos shows feitos pelo cantor no Royal Albert Hall, entre 1990 e 1991.

1. Running on Faith
2. Sunshine of Your Love
3. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
4. Pretending
5. Old Love
6. Bell Bottom Blues
7. Edge of Darkness
8. White Room
9. Watch Yourself
10. Worried Life Blues
11. Bad Love
12. Wonderful Tonight
13. Hard Times

Selections From Crossroads Guitar Festivals (3cds)


Nothing But the Blues

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London Calling Ltda ME - CNPJ 55.602.379.0001/00 - Galeria do Rock: Rua 24 de Maio, 62 - lojas 302/304/306 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil