Lançamentos Lançamentos LPs
Sexta, 03.05.2024
BUSCA: em  

R$ 274,90

Entrega: 30 dias - Europeu.
Dream Theater
Once in a Live Time (2CD)

CD 1:
1. A Change of Seasons I: The Crimson Sunrise
2. A Change of Seasons Ii: Innocence
3. Puppies On Acid
4. Just Let Me Breathe
5. Voices
6. Take the Time
7. Derek Sherinian Piano Solo
8. Lines In the Sand
9. Scarred
10. A Change of Seasons Iv: The Darkest Of...
11. Ytse Jam
12. Mike Portnoy Drum Solo

CD 2:
1. Trial of Tears
2. Hollow Years
3. Take Away My Pain
4. Caught In a Web
5. Lie
6. Peruvian Skies
7. John Petrucci Guitar Solo
8. Pull Me Under
9. Metropolis
10. Learning To Live
11. A Change of Seasons VII

Metropolis 2000: Scenes From New York
Dream Theater

Dream Theater

Live At the Marquee (Ger)
Dream Theater

Atenção: os discos de vinil estão identificados com a sigla (lp) ao lado do título e texto na descrição, caso contrário são CDs.

London Calling Ltda ME - CNPJ 55.602.379.0001/00 - Galeria do Rock: Rua 24 de Maio, 62 - lojas 302/304/306 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil