Lançamentos Lançamentos LPs
Sexta, 03.05.2024
BUSCA: em  

R$ 149,90

Entrega: 20 dias - Americano.

Data de lançamento original: 05/08/1966

1. Taxman (Harrison) - 2:39
2. Eleanor Rigby (Lennon/McCartney) - 2:07
3. I'm Only Sleeping (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:01
4. Love You To (Harrison) - 3:01
5. Here, There and Everywhere (Lennon/McCartney) - 2:25
6. Yellow Submarine (Lennon/McCartney) - 2:40
7. She Said, She Said (Lennon/McCartney) - 2:37
8. Good Day Sunshine (Lennon/McCartney) - 2:09
9. And Your Bird Can Sing(Lennon/McCartney) - 2:01
10. For No One (Lennon/McCartney) - 2:01
11. Doctor Robert (Lennon/McCartney) - 2:15
12. I Want to Tell You (Harrison) - 2:29
13. Got to Get You into My Life(Lennon/McCartney) - 2:30
14. Tomorrow Never Knows(Lennon/McCartney) - 2:57

A Hard Day´s Night (dvd)

Beatles With Tony Sheridan: First Recordings 50th

Hey Jude (lp)

Atenção: os discos de vinil estão identificados com a sigla (lp) ao lado do título e texto na descrição, caso contrário são CDs.

London Calling Ltda ME - CNPJ 55.602.379.0001/00 - Galeria do Rock: Rua 24 de Maio, 62 - lojas 302/304/306 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil