Lançamentos Lançamentos LPs
Sábado, 18.05.2024
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R$ 149,90

Entrega: 20 dias - Americano.
Lewis,Jerry Lee
Rock & Roll Time

Lançamento: 27/10/2014
Novo álbum!
Com participações de Neil Young, Keith Richards, entre outros artistas.

1. Rock & Roll Time (with Doyle Bramhall II and Jon Brion)
2. Little Queenie (with Keith Richards and Ron Wood)
3. Stepchild (with Daniel Lanois and Doyle Bramhall II)
4. Sick and Tired (with Jon Brion)
5. Bright Lights, Big City (with Neil Young and Ivan Neville)
6. Folsom Prison Blues (with Robbie Robertson and Nils Lofgren)
7. Keep Me In Mind (with Jon Brion)
8. Mississippi Kid (with Derek Trucks and Doyle Bramhall II)
9. Blues Like Midnight (with Robbie Robertson)
10. Here Comes That Rainbow Again (with Shelby Lynne)
11. Promised Land (with Doyle Bramhall II)


Rock N Roll Wild Man
Lewis,Jerry Lee


Atenção: os discos de vinil estão identificados com a sigla (lp) ao lado do título e texto na descrição, caso contrário são CDs.

London Calling Ltda ME - CNPJ 55.602.379.0001/00 - Galeria do Rock: Rua 24 de Maio, 62 - lojas 302/304/306 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil